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Auto Accident Care in Winnipeg

Thrive Again After Car Accidents

person with neck pain after auto accidentThe forces that went through your vehicle bent and twisted things up. Those same forces went through your body. Any motor vehicle accident, large or small has the potential to affect your spine and nervous system. Having your spine checked for injuries is just common sense.

Prevent Long-Term Damage Before It Begins

Symptoms vary in severity, they do not all appear immediately. The forces involved in a wreck can damage your connective tissue and spine. They can result in structural changes to the curves, alignment and motion of your spine.

Ignoring spinal dysfunction following a motor vehicle accident risks greater degeneration in your neck and back.

Careful Assessment and Diagnosis

When you come in to see us, we’ll start with X-rays. Our doctors don’t want to run any risks or miss something significant, so we’ll have an expert radiologist review your images. If we suspect you may be facing more severe complications, we’ll refer you out for further diagnostic imaging like an MRI or CT, although that’s rare.

Most patients who have been in a crash require longer-term care. The exact length of care depends on the severity of your injury.

Cost-Free Care

Everyone covered by Manitoba’s insurance has full coverage for auto injuries, including X-rays. We direct bill to them, so you won’t pay a single penny out of pocket.

When you come in, we’ll have you give a description of how the wreck happened in your paperwork. We also need the claim number you should have already received, which we’ll use to bill insurance.

Schedule Your First Visit

We won’t leave you in a ditch. If you’ve suffered an accident, come take care of yourself with expert chiropractic care. Book your appointment now.

Auto Accident Care Winnipeg, Manitoba | (204) 615-0230